Tuesday, December 06, 2005

What is this phenomenon ?!

I see forwards from many of my friends saying "realise the importance of relationships in life and do your part of it to live a happy life". But what I see in reality is something quite different.

Where is the mistake? What went wrong? Is it because forwards are just meant to be forwards and are meant to be forgtten after having some good time reading them? or the whole corporate world is isolating their employees from the world outside, breaking the means of communication if not literally,but implicitly by putting heavy load on individuals leaving no time for them to "live" .. but just "work"?

I ask this question to my friends. How many of you can confidently say that you are doing your part of the relationship?. Be True to yourselves. You are not answerable to anyone, but at the same time remember that you cannot escape from yourself.

I see my friends forming new relationships at their workplace. Good and great that there are new people in their life and that is how one's life is supposed to be. But in the joy of having new friends and great moments of fun, I advice my friends not to forget the ones they met before (their older friends).

"Busy", "Tied up", "Hectic", "No time", "Deadline" are some of the reasons I hear. True that work is hectic, no doubt about that but I think it is important that one takes time off to make sure that his/her relationships are not strained. Giving a reason is not going to bring back your relationship to the state it was before.

Another class of friends are the ones who went to higher studies abroad. "Hectic work", "Exams", "Quizzes". In the weekends, enjoing the beauty of the new world around them!. Where is all this leading to !.

It is my sincere advice to my friends that by making sure that your "true" friends are not feeling uncomfortable/missing you, make yourself and your life more lively and meaningful.

Take time out from your "cyber world" and "New found land" friends and wake up before it is too late and things turn to worse in the "real world" ...

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