Wednesday, January 18, 2006


One of the toughest things to find in this world is a "soulmate".A person whom you can speak with anything and everything comfortably.

We come across hundreds of people in our life. Some are just aquaintances with whom we exchange a smile. Some are friends with whom we speak often, crack jokes, discuss things. Some are good friends. When you need something or you are in trouble these are the people whom you approach. One has very good memories with them and they are an important part of your life. AND some are "SOULMATES", person(s) who UNDERSTAND you, there will be many things that one cannot share with parents or even good friends, but it is this best friend(s) whom you express your heart to WITHOUT ANNYY HESITATION. Such people are Precious.

It is inherent property of humans to search for such people. SUCH people are rare, and it is at this level of understanding that a human relation reaches the stage called Love, one of the highly misinterpreted words in the english dictionary!. You trust, you respect, you care, you appreciate, you admire, you guide.Its then that you Love!

Do not take such people for granted, most people in this world die without having even one such person in their life!. If you have one such person in your life, you are fortunate. You can see that the day gets brighter. Times of loneliness are gone. The confidence is higher. They become the elixir of life. They are PRECIOUS!.

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