Thursday, December 15, 2005

Print version ..

I have faced this problem quiet a number of times and I think this can be a good product to make ...

I have a webpage and I want to print an article from that webpage .. but most webpages have a lot of content that the user does not want to print. In some webpages there is an option of "print version" which shows a printable format .. but in most websites that facility is not there.

So, I was thinking it will be good if there is a software which when we copy paste the stuff we want to print on to it, parses the document into different pieces and then the user can remove the pieces he doesnt want to print and then print the remaining document. An auto format option would be every more user friendly.

:D .. If I get sometime .. it is not a bad option to work on ...

what say ??

1 comment:

Sreejith said...

i would certainly use a product like this. I am right now using word for such things. Search on the net.. i cant imagine something like this doesnt exist.

Alternative idea..
why dont we have a web interface on which i can give the url of the page i will fetch the page. Now that the page is viewed on our site.. we can give a customized print function. might work.